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Google Workspace - SAML login on CloudAMQP

Set up SAML on Google Workspace.

  1. Using a Super Administrator account, Navigate to Apps > Web and Mobile Apps.
  2. Select 'Add new App' - Add Custom SAML app. Google SAML App
  3. Give your new app a name and press 'Continue'. Download IdP metadata
  4. On the next screen, download IdP metadata. Once downloaded, upload this file to your CloudAMQP portal. In CloudAMQP, Navigate to Team Settings > Team > SAML Configuration and upload the IdP metadata file. Upload IdP metadata
  5. On the next screen in your Google Workspace setup, paste the SAML Consumer URL/ACS (Consumer) URL from your CloudAMQP console to the ACS URL field. For EntityID, paste the SAML Audience URL/Audience URI/SP Entity ID/SAML Metadata value. Select EMAIL as Name ID, and leave the rest as-is. configuration links
  6. Press Finish. Now assign the app to a user and they will be able to sign in. The first login will have to be performed from the Google Workspace app dashboard (9 points menu).
  7. If you wish to provision roles or tags to the users, you can create a custom attribute and bind it to 84codes.roles. Pass the Entity ID followed by role, eg. xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx/monitor. You can find your Entity ID on the CloudAMQP SAML Configuration page. attribute mapping
  8. If you need assistance or have any questions you can get in touch with support through support@cloudamqp.com