RabbitMQ has great durability support, but it's usually not enabled by default in the drivers. To persist messages to disk, and thus survive a server restart, you need to publish to a durable exchange, the receiving queue has to be durable, and you got to set the "persistent" flag on the message you're publishing.
require "amqp"
EM.run do
AMQP.connection = AMQP.connect ENV['CLOUDAMQP_URL'] || 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost'
AMQP::Channel.new do |ch|
# Define a durable exchange
topic = ch.topic('mytopic', durable: true)
# Define a durable queue, with replication (the x-ha-policy=all argument)
q1 = ch.queue('my-queue', durable: true, arguments: { 'x-ha-policy' => 'all' })
# bind the queue to the exchange, limiting to a routing key
q1.bind(topic, routing_key: 'my.route')
# Publish a message and set the "persistent" flag
msg = { :a => 1 }.to_json
topic.publish(msg, routing_key: 'my.route', persistent: true)
In Python (with Pika) it's a little different, there you set the delivery_mode to 2.
delivery_mode = 2, # make message persistent
Next Generation Highly Available Queues are called Quorum queues, and should be used in favour of classic mirrored queues. The default quorum queue cluster size is set to the same value as the number of nodes in the cluster (on your selected CloudAMQP plan). See "The reasons you should switch to Quorum Queues" for more information.
Queues in CloudAMQP are by default replicated between two nodes in the cluster.
More information on HA is available from RabbitMQ.com.