Logs and Metrics Integrations

This feature is available on dedicated instances.

The CloudAMQP team monitors your servers and RabbitMQ brokers to make sure that the service is online and performing well. But we have also built several integrations to third-party systems where we can export logs and/or metrics. It allows you to get a good overview of how your system is doing and get logs and metrics into the same place as you have your other systems monitored.

Integrations are not covered by the SLA. Please email us at support@cloudamqp.com if you want more details about exporting metrics or logs.


CloudAMQP can ship logs to: Datadog, CloudWatch, Papertrail, Logentries, Google Stackdriver, Loggly, Splunk, Coralogix, Azure Monitor


Link: https://docs.datadoghq.com/logs/

Get your Datadog API key at app.datadoghq.com and enter the API key, region, and optional tags.

Example message for CloudAMQP cluster quick-gray-porcupine with user optional tags env:example

  "ddsource": "cloudamqp",
  "ddtags": "env:example",
  "hostname": "quick-gray-porcupine-01",
  "message": "2025-03-25 11:07:02.552827+00:00 [info] <0.10.0> Time to start RabbitMQ: 13283 ms\n",
  "service": "quick-gray-porcupine"


Link: https://aws.amazon.com/cloudwatch

Create an IAM user with programmatic access and the following permissions: CreateLogGroup, CreateLogStream, DescribeLogGroups, DescribeLogStreams, and PutLogEvents. Select the AWS region and enter the user's Access Key and Secret Key in the fields.


Link: https://www.papertrail.com

Create a Papertrail endpoint via https://papertrailapp.com/systems/setup and enter the endpoint address in the Address field.


Link: https://www.logentries.com

Create a Logentries token at https://logentries.com/app#/add-log/manual and enter it in the Token field.

Google Stackdriver

Link: https://cloud.google.com/stackdriver

Steps to generate a credentials file with permissions to write logs into Stackdriver:

  1. Sign in to your Google Cloud account
  2. Go to IAM & admin
  3. Click Service accounts
  4. Click + Create Service Account
  5. Give it an appropriate name and click Create
  6. Add role "Logs Writer," no other roles are needed
  7. In Step 3, click Create key and select Key type: JSON
  8. Download the file to your computer
  9. Select the file in the form below and click Save
  10. You will find your logs by selecting your CloudAMQP hostname in the 'Log name' dropdown under 'Logs Explorer'.


Link: https://www.loggly.com

Create a Loggly token at https://<your-company>.loggly.com/tokens and enter it in the Token field.


Link: https://www.splunk.com

Create a HTTP Event Collector token at https://<your-splunk>.cloud.splunk.com/en-US/manager/search/http-eventcollector and enter the token and the endpoint address into the respective fields.


Link: https://www.coralogix.com

Create or find your Send-Your-Data API Key. You also need to select the region you are using and enter the metadata information in the respective fields.

Azure Monitor

Link: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-monitor/overview

You will need to have a Log Analytics Workspace, a Data Collection Endpoint and a Data Collection Rule and a table in your workspace. Set it up by following this tutorial. Logs Ingestion Tutorial. You will need to enter the Directory (tenant) ID, Application (client) ID, Application secret, DCE URI, Table name and DCR ID in the respective fields.


With metrics integrations, you can filter what metrics to send based on regular expressions for queues and vhosts. You can also decide if you want to include metrics for auto-delete queues. We send metrics every 60 seconds by default, but this value can be changed to 10 seconds or higher.

CloudAMQP offers metrics integrations to:

Azure Monitor

Read more about our Azure Monitor integration


Link: https://aws.amazon.com/cloudwatch

For CloudWatch, we have three integrations. The first CloudWatch integration has been around for a long time, and during that time, CloudWatch has evolved. We didn't want to break usage for all customers using the existing one, so we added a new integration to leverage some new features in CloudWatch. The third version export Prometheus metrics.

Read more about CloudAMQP CloudWatch (legacy) integration

Read more about CloudAMQP CloudWatch V2 (legacy) integration

Read more about CloudAMQP CloudWatch V3 integration


Link: https://www.librato.com

Read more about our Librato (legacy) integration


Link: https://www.datadoghq.com/

For Datadog, we have three integrations. The first Datadog integration has been around for a long time. Version two matches all metrics to the dashboards in Datadog, when you activate this integration, the dashboards RabbitMQ - Overview and RabbitMQ - Metrics will get populated with data automatically. Third version does the same, but it matches the dashboard RabbitMQ - Overview (OpenMetrics Version) since it exports Prometheus metrics.

Read more about our Datadog (legacy) integration

Read more about our Datadog V2 (legacy) integration

Read more about our Datadog V3 integration


Link: https://www.dynatrace.com

Read more about our Dynatrace integration


Link https://newrelic.com

For New Relic we have two integrations. New Relic V3 exports server and broker metrics in Prometheus format.

Read more about the NewRelic (legacy) integration

Read more about the NewRelic V3 integration

Google Stackdriver


For Stackdriver we have two integrations. Stackdriver V2 exports server and broker metrics in Prometheus format.

Read more about our Stackdriver (legacy) integration

Read more about our Stackdriver V2 integration


Link: https://www.splunk.com

For Splunk we have two integrations. Splunk V2 exports server and broker metrics in Prometheus format.

Read more about our Splunk (legacy) integration

Read more about our Splunk V2 integration