Since CloudAMQP was released in early 2012, the service has continued to develop in response to user feedback and new features. We are dedicated to keeping CloudAMQP simple, up-to-date, and useful for our great users!
CloudAMQP is now available in Azure New Zealand North
CloudAMQP is now available in the the following AWS regions: Asia Pacific (Thailand), Mexico (Central)
LavinMQ version 2.2.0 is now available.
Read more: LavinMQ Release 2.2 – Now with MQTT support
RabbitMQ version 4.0.5 is now available.
RabbitMQ version 4.0.4 is now available.
LavinMQ version 2.0.2 is now available.
RabbitMQ version 4.0.3 is now available.
CloudAMQP is now available in the following Azure regions: Israel Central (israelcentral), Mexico Central (mexicocentral), Poland Central (polandcentral) & Spain Central (spaincentral)
Cloudamqp bootstrapping no longer includes HA-policy for default vhost
CloudAMQP is now available in the AWS Calgary (ca-west-1) and Malaysia (ap-southeast-5) regions.
CloudAMQP is now available in the Azure Qatar Central (qatarcentral) region.
Datadogv2 Integration Update. New metrics and updated existing metrics.
Read more: Datadog V2 integration documentation
RabbitMQ version 3.13 is now available.
Automatic version updates is now available with LavinMQ
Read more: Automatic updates with LavinMQ
CloudAMQP is now available in Google Cloud region me-central2 (Dammam) in Saudi Arabia.
CloudAMQP is now directly integrated to Signl4 for alarm notifications.
CloudAMQP is now available in even more Google Cloud regions, we are adding 13 regions making it 38 in total.
Coralogix is now available as an external log integration.
Read more: Integrations documentation
CloudAMQP is now available in the Azure Italy North (italynorth) region.
Introducing support for Private Service Connect on GCP.
Read more: CloudAMQP and Private Service Connect
We now support all sites (US1, US3, US5 and EU1) for DataDog log integrations.
CloudAMQP now available in Google Cloud Dallas, Texas (us-south1)
RabbitMQ version 3.12 is now available.
Read more: RabbitMQ 3.12 Takes MQTT Support to the Next Level
CloudAMQP now available in Google Cloud Paris (europe-west9) and Milan (europe-west8)
CloudAMQP is now available in the Google Cloud Las Vegas (us-west4) region.
RabbitMQ version 3.11 is now available.
The address space can now be used by Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) peerings.
Read more: VPC on CloudAMQP
Classic Queue default version is set to 2 on new clusters with RabbitMQ version >= 3.10.7
Read more: Classic Queues v2
Disk size can now be expanded using the API or Terraform, in AWS.
Read more: API docs, Terraform docs
Audit Log can now be exported as a CSV file.
LavinMQ is now available as Free shared plan.
RabbitMQ version 3.10 is now available.
Scalyr is now available as an external log integration.
RabbitMQ log level can now be changed from the CloudAMQP Console configuration page.
AMQP Websockets is now available on all shared instances.
You can now include message headers in the AWS EventBridge integration.
RabbitMQ version 3.9.14 and 3.8.28 is now available.
NewRelic metrics integration V1 has been deprecated since it's no longer supported by Newrelic.
We now support all sites (US1, US3, US5 and EU1) for DataDog metrics integrations.
RabbitMQ version 3.9.13 is now available.
CloudAMQP is now available in the AWS ap-southeast-3 (Jakarta) region.
VPC subscriptions can now be managed separately from your RabbitMQ subscriptions
RabbitMQ version 3.9.11 is now available.
CloudAMQP is now available in the Google Cloud Toronto (northamerica-northeast2) region.
CloudAMQP is now available in the Azure West US 3 (Arizona) region.
RabbitMQ version 3.8.26 is now available
You can now add more disk to you RabbitMQ cluster when needed.
RabbitMQ version 3.9.9 and 3.8.25 are now available
RabbitMQ version 3.9 is now available, starting with 3.9.8
Copy settings feature available through API
Queue alarms can now be triggered based on any queue rate metrics, both on count and rate, for example you can now get notified if a queue gets to high number or reject or redelivered messages
You can now set up auto renewing Let's Encrypt certificates for a custom domain on your servers
You can now choose if you want Auto-delete queues to be included in metrics sent to third-party integrations
The interval for how often metrics from RabbitMQ should be collected can now be configured from the Integration page
Most common RabbitMQ configurations can now be changed from the Console
There is now PATCH support for the security API to modify a single firewall rule
RabbitMQ versions 3.8.17, 3.8.18 and 3.8.19 have been removed from provisioning as they contained a serious bug for messages with TTL. If you run one of these versions upgrade to 3.8.21 or higher
DigitalOcean region San Francisco 2 is being replaced with San Francisco 3
Queues are automatically rebalanced after a cluster restart
RabbitMQ Message Deduplication Plugin can now be enabled from Plugins page
Microsoft Teams integrated for alarms to get notifications directly to chat.
As of this date, newly created servers will have static IPs attached when possible. Most reboots will not change the IP address. If you want to know if you have a static IP, check with
RabbitMQ config files can be copied from existing clusters when setting up a new cluster.
CloudAMQP is now available in the Amazon Web Services Asia Pacific (Osaka) region.
CloudAMQP is now available in the Google Cloud Indonesia region.
New shared server in Azure West Europe region.
Added the ability to copy definitions and settings for alarms, metric integrations, and log integration from an existing cluster when creating a new cluster.
RabbitMQ mem_alarm and node_alarm can now be exported to Datadog V2 integrations.
Enabled TLS 1.32 on RabbitMQ 3.8.11 and newer versions.
RabbitMQ logs can now be downloaded from https://
CloudAMQP is now available in the Azure Switzerland North region.
Added support for VPC peering for Azure.
Webhooks can now be configured via our Terraform provider.
RabbitMQ version 3.8.9 now available
CloudAMQP is now available in the Azure Central Europe region.
RabbitMQ version 3.8.8 now available
CloudAMQP is now available in the AWS Cape Town region.
Removed offerings via IBM Cloud, Rackspace, and AppHarbor.
Tags are now supported for Stackdriver integration exported metrics.
Instance names are now default tags for DataDog metrics and a new default tag for DataDog integrations was created.
Added a new alarm to be notified if any connections are in flow.
All RabbitMQ URLs now default to AMQPS for encrypted connections.
RabbitMQ logs can be shipped to DataDog.
RabbitMQ versions 3.7.25 and 3.7.56 are available.
Added the ability to subscribe to the changelog via RSS to stay up to date on the latest from CloudAMQP.
Made Terraform improvements to configure log and metric integrations via our provider.
Improved alarms to include the ability to configure a reminder for active alarms.
Added the ability to add a description for each firewall rule configured for a cluster.
Improved security and added all API calls to the audit log.
RabbitMQ version 3.7.24 is now available.
Added the ability to specify the US or EU region for DataDog metrics integrations.
Made improvements to Terraform including alarm configuration, vpc peerings, firewall, and RabbitMQ plugins.
RabbitMQ version 3.7.23 is now available.
RabbitMQ version 3.8.2 available
RabbitMQ version 3.8.1 and 3.7.21 available
New Azure regions for CloudAMQP, Korea Central, Korea South, France Central, Australia Central, UAE North, South Africa North
RabbitMQ version 3.7.16 available
Support added for new regions in GCE: Los Angeles, Netherlands, Hong Kong and Montréal, Canada.
GCP Finland supported
The AWS Europe (Stockholm) supported
Adds support for OpsGenie EU integration
AWS CloudWatch Logs Integration added
Added Google Cloud Stackdriver Logging Integration, so that you can search and monitor log data from any environment
Announcing RabbitMQ Diagnostic Tool
Added VictorOps and OpsGenie alarms as additional alternatives for receiving alarm notifications
Added Paris EU-West-3 as a new region in AWS available for CloudAMQP
Added possibility to manage instance access with Access Control List (ACL)
Added option to configure a firewall for AWS and Azure for your cluster, directly from our UI. You can specify an IP range and decide which ports that should be opened for that range.
Improved graph metrics at CloudAMQP control panel
Added possibility to create CloudAMQP instances in a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) on Google Cloud Platform
Added plugins configuration available through API
Added prepayment as a payment option
Release of RabbitMQ Variable Shovel which allows RabbitMQ to call a webhook for each message in a queue
Released new website
Added increased reliability of our shared plans by deleting idling and temporary queues
Added possibility to ship RabbitMQ monitoring log from CloudAMQP dedicated instances to Loggly
Added possibility to ship RabbitMQ monitoring log from CloudAMQP dedicated instances to Papertrail
Added Slack and PagerDuty as additional ways to get alarm notifications
Added possibility to enable/disable RabbitMQ tracing/firehose from the CloudAMQP Console
Released new control panel design
Added better performance and throughput on new instances created in Azure
Added the option to restart the management interface from the CloudAMQP console
Added CloudAMQP event stream
Added support for AWS Ohio region US-East-2
Added Automated cluster scaling
Added new limit to increase the reliability of CloudAMQP's shared plans, Little Lemur and Tough Tiger
Added Two-Factor Authentication for customer account
Added possibility to install community plugins
Added ability to get automated upgrading Erlang and RabbitMQ across a cluster
Added possibility to pick optional RabbitMQ version by supporting upgrades to any available higher RabbitMQ version
Added Librato integration. Centralizing monitoring
Added DataDog integration. Allows seamless aggregation of metrics and events across the full devops stack
Added Logentries integration. Allows shipping of RabbitMQ logs from CloudAMQP dedicated instances to Logentries
Added AWS CloudWatch integration. Information such as queue lengths, queue counts, connection count, queue length etc can now be sent to CloudWatch external metric service
Added AWS CloudWatch integration. Information such as queue lengths, queue counts, connection count, queue length etc can now be sent to CloudWatch external metric service
Added connection alarms. The feature trigger an alarm when the number of connection reaches over a certain threshold
Added Loud Lion as a new high performance plan
Alarms enabled. You can activate alarms to be triggered when part of the system is heavily used, when there is lot of messages in a queue or few consumers consuming from a queue
Adding support for payment via American Express (AMEX) corporate credit cards
CloudAMQP releases API for CloudAMQP to be able to list, create, update and delete CloudAMQP instances
Adding New Relic integration which enables collecting and visualizing various metrics from RabbitMQ
Added new high performance plan - Happy Hippo
Added support for RabbitMQ federation plugin
Provides RabbitMQ hosting on the Microsoft Azure platform and integrated with Microsoft Azure Store
Provides RabbitMQ hosting on the Microsoft Azure platform and integrated with Microsoft Azure Store
Added possibility to create a RabbitMQ server in Softlayer datacenter
Option to enable VPC in AWS
Added new monitoring capability through server metrics for dedicated plans
SSD disk on all new AWS servers
Added the ability to rotate credentials for your CloudAMQP instances from the console
Added new high performance plan, Awesome Ape
Added the possibility to use a GitHub account to sign up and log in to our Control Panel
Added possibility to create RabbitMQ servers in Rackspace data centers
Full DigitalOcean integration
Added possibility to enable HiPE, High performance Erlang, for dedicated RabbitMQ clusters.
Support for teams was added
Carl Hörberg, founder and CEO of 84codes launches CloudAMQP