CloudAMQP's integration with Azure Monitor for metrics

CloudAMQP now integrates with Azure Monitor, providing valuable insights into the performance and health of your AMQP brokers, simplifying troubleshooting, optimization, and overall maintenance.

Key Benefits:

  • Improved Visibility: A unified dashboard for monitoring metrics across all your CloudAMQP clusters.
  • Enhanced Troubleshooting: Detailed performance and health data for faster issue resolution.
  • Proactive Monitoring: Set up alerts to be notified of potential problems before they escalate.


  1. Create an Application Insights resource in Azure. Find the connection string from the resource. This will be needed for the integration setup.
  2. In the CloudAMQP console, navigate to Integrations -> Logs & Metrics -> Metrics, click Add new Integration, and select Azure Monitor.
  3. Enter the connection string in the provided form and click save. The metrics will flow to the Application Insights resource within one minute.

Looking at the metrics

After completing the integration setup, the metrics can be viewed in the Azure portal.

Navigate to Monitor -> Metrics in the Application Insights resource menu. The page contains a box for selecting Scope, Metric Namespace, Metric, and Aggregation. The scope field will be pre-filled with the Application Insights resource name. Select "CUSTOM -> azure.applicationsinsights" for the Metric Namespace. This will populate the Metric select box with all available metrics sent to the integration.

Multiple metrics can be plotted in the same graph by adding more boxes, which helps identify issues.

Read more about what labels are set and what metrics are exported here.

Are you missing any metrics in the integration? Reach out to us

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