Dynatrace metrics integration

We are excited to announce that CloudAMQP now offers seamless integration with Dynatrace. This allows you to monitor your CloudAMQP clusters effectively by exporting server and broker metrics in Prometheus format to Dynatrace.

Using this integration, metrics are sent to the Dynatrace OTLP API endpoint: /api/v2/otlp/v1/metrics of your Dynatrace instance. To get started, set up an access token that can be used to ingest metrics and apply the environment ID of your Dynatrace instance.

To set up this integration step-by-step:

  1. Locate your environment ID of your Dynatrace instance. It can be found in the url when logged in to the account. Example URL: https://{your-environment-id}.dynatrace.com.
  2. Within Dynatrace, create an access token with the necessary permissions for metric ingestion.
  3. In the CloudAMQP console, navigate to the metrics integrations and input your Dynatrace environment ID and access token. You can also enable the integration using the Instance API or Terraform.

Read more about what labels are set and what metrics are exported here.

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