Most recent blog posts

Part 2.1: Getting started with RabbitMQ and Ruby

Part 2.1 of RabbitMQ for beginners - Tutorial and example of source codes for Ruby and the client library Bunny.

Part 1: RabbitMQ for beginners - What is RabbitMQ?

RabbitMQ for beginners explains what RabbitMQ and message queuing is. It gives a brief understanding of messaging and important RabbitMQ concepts are explained.

The RabbitMQ federation plugin

Federation has several use-cases; collect messages from multiple clusters to a central cluster, distribute load of one queue to multiple other clusters and when migrating to another cluster without stopping all producers/consumers while doing so.

What is Message Queuing?

This blog article explains what Message Queuing is, how it can be used and benefits achieved when using Message Queues.

Get started with RabbitMQ on Android (Eclipse)

Get started with RabbitMQ on Android! Create a simple chat room in Android (Eclipse), using RabbitMQ