Plans & Pricing

Flexible plans for all your needs. What are you looking for?

Very high

1 node

High performance
& availability

3 nodes

Very high

5 nodes

Dedicated RabbitMQ Instances

Consistent throughput, high availability and multiple protocol support

Raging Rhino - 1 node

  • Multi-AZ cluster
  • Mirrored Nodes

200 k

~Max MSGs/s

80 k

~Max connections

$ -- Per month

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Loud Lion - 1 node

  • Multi-AZ cluster
  • Mirrored Nodes

200 k

~Max MSGs/s

80 k

~Max connections

$ -- Per month

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Heavy Hippo - 1 node

  • Multi-AZ cluster
  • Mirrored Nodes

200 k

~Max MSGs/s

80 k

~Max connections

$ -- Per month

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Awesome Ape - 1 node

  • Multi-AZ cluster
  • Mirrored Nodes

200 k

~Max MSGs/s

80 k

~Max connections

$ -- Per month

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Power Panda - 1 node

  • Multi-AZ cluster
  • Mirrored Nodes

200 k

~Max MSGs/s

80 k

~Max connections

$ -- Per month

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Roaring Rabbit - 1 node

  • Multi-AZ cluster
  • Mirrored Nodes

200 k

~Max MSGs/s

80 k

~Max connections

$ -- Per month

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Happy Hare - 1 node

  • Multi-AZ cluster
  • Mirrored Nodes

200 k

~Max MSGs/s

80 k

~Max connections

$ -- Per month

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Big Bunny - 1 node

  • Multi-AZ cluster
  • Mirrored Nodes

200 k

~Max MSGs/s

80 k

~Max connections

$ -- Per month

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Sassy Squirrel - 1 node

  • Multi-AZ cluster
  • Mirrored Nodes

200 k

~Max MSGs/s

80 k

~Max connections

$ -- Per month

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Shared Instances

For development or small hobby projects. Not recommended for production due to variable performance.

Tough Tiger - For Hobby Apps

  • Max 1000 queues
  • Max 100 000 queued messages

10 M

Max MSGs/month


Max connections

$ 19 Per month

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Little Lemur - For Development

  • Max 100 queues
  • Max 10 000 queued messages
  • Max idle queue time 28 days

1 M

Max MSGs/month


Max connections


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Very high

1 node

High performance
& availability

3 nodes

Very high

5 nodes

Dedicated LavinMQ Instances

High throughput, infinitely long queues and efficient resource utilization

Outstanding Orca - 1 node

  • Multi-AZ cluster
  • Mirrored Nodes

200 k

~Max MSGs/s

80 k

~Max connections

$ -- Per month

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Brave Bear - 1 node

  • Multi-AZ cluster
  • Mirrored Nodes

200 k

~Max MSGs/s

80 k

~Max connections

$ -- Per month

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Remarkable Reindeer - 1 node

  • Multi-AZ cluster
  • Mirrored Nodes

200 k

~Max MSGs/s

80 k

~Max connections

$ -- Per month

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Wild Wolverine - 1 node

  • Multi-AZ cluster
  • Mirrored Nodes

200 k

~Max MSGs/s

80 k

~Max connections

$ -- Per month

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Lively Lynx - 1 node

  • Multi-AZ cluster
  • Mirrored Nodes

200 k

~Max MSGs/s

80 k

~Max connections

$ -- Per month

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Playful Penguin - 1 node

  • Multi-AZ cluster
  • Mirrored Nodes

200 k

~Max MSGs/s

80 k

~Max connections

$ -- Per month

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Passionate Puffin - 1 node

  • Multi-AZ cluster
  • Mirrored Nodes

200 k

~Max MSGs/s

80 k

~Max connections

$ -- Per month

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Shared Instances

For development or small hobby projects. Not recommended for production due to variable performance.

Elegant Ermine

  • Max 2000 queues
  • Max 200 000 queued messages

20 M

Max MSGs/month


Max connections

$ 19 Per month

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Loyal Lemming

  • Max 200 queues
  • Max 20 000 queued messages
  • Max idle queue time 28 days

2 M

Max MSGs/month


Max connections


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Dedicated plans can make use of the following additional feeatures.

Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is a public cloud environment that allows users or companies to set up private clouds in a shared cloud infrastructure.

Peer with your VPC or use PrivateLink (AWS and Azure) to create secure connections.

$ 99 Per month

Extra disk space

Supported tiers are 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2000 (GB)

$ 0.35 Per month Per GB

Dedicated Instances

CloudAMQP's dedicated plans are the perfect solution for businesses that require more control and performance. With a dedicated plan, customers have access to a single server dedicated to their account, which can be tailored to specific needs. This ensures that customers have more control over the messaging system and allows them to customize and scale as needed.

Shared Instances

CloudAMQP’s shared plans are an excellent choice for those looking for a cost-effective solution to test ideas or create hobby development projects. Shared plans, like Little Lemur (RabbitMQ) and Lemming (LavinMQ), are deployed on a large, multitenant messaging server, where vhosts separate the instances.

Read more about vhosts here.

Max MSGs/s?

A combination of several variables determines the number of messages a plan can handle, including messaging system (LavinMQ or RabbitMQ), the number of nodes, routing type, size of messages sent/received, number of consumers/publishers you have, auto ack/persistence flags, which datacenter that is used and more.

If you need more information or want to do benchmark testing on the settings that will be used, reach out to us, and we can help.

Feature Shared LavinMQ Dedicated RabbitMQ Dedicated
Email Support
Management User Interface
Alarms (Queue, Connection and Consumer)
Default Protocol: AMQP 0.9.1
Protocol Support: HTTPS
Service Level Agreement (99.95% Availability)
Critical Support
CloudAMQP Diagnostic Tool
Leader/Standby Failover
Manage Users, vhosts and Permissions
Server Metrics
Custom Alarms
Node Information
Webhooks (Push-Queues)
VPC Peering, PrivateLink & Private Connect
Integrate with monitoring services
Replicated Queues (muli-node cluster)
MQTT Support
STOMP Support

Included in all plans


Our servers are always under observation for proper functioning and uptime. Most of the time, any issues that may arise are spotted and fixed before they can cause any disruption.

Protocol Support

All our clusters are enabled to work with AMQP(S) version 0.9.1 and HTTP(S). All our dedicated RabbitMQ plans also have protocol support for HTTPS, MQTT, STOMP, and WebSockets/Web-Stomp.


A management interface is available to all instances, making it convenient to track and inspect as necessary.


RabbitMQ clusters use Quorum Queues to ensure messages are replicated across all nodes. If one fails, another node will take over immediately without message loss. The AMQP client is aware of all nodes in the cluster and will automatically reconnect to another node. It's possible to customize quorum settings according to your preferences.


All plans are charged on a per-second basis, so it's possible to try out the biggest instance types without spending too much. At the end of each month, your bill will be updated to reflect the amount of time an instance was available for use.


CloudAMQP offers 24/7 customer support, and for larger plans, our phone support is also available. If you want to find out how CloudAMQP can benefit your business or need assistance getting started, reach out to us - we're ready to help!

Supported Platforms and Data Centers

World map
Amazon Web Services
Digital Ocean
Microsoft Windows Azure
Google Cloud Platform

CloudAMQP - industry leading LavinMQ and RabbitMQ as a service

Start your managed cluster today. CloudAMQP is 100% free to try.