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Comparison: Apache Kafka VS RabbitMQ

What are the differences between Apache Kafka and RabbitMQ? When should you use which technology? Get a quick overview with our comparison chart!

Load testing and performance measurements in RabbitMQ

Load testing is the process of putting simulated demand on software and measuring its response. You will in this article get information about how to perform load testing and performance measurements in RabbitMQ.

Why is application decoupling a good thing

Several smaller services reduces overall complexity. We will in this article list some of the goodies achieved with application decoupling.

RabbitMQ and WebSockets

Learn how to combine RabbitMQ and WebSockets to create realtime applications. In this post we'll look at how it works and what you can do with them...

Everything You Need to Know about Asynchronous Communication and RabbitMQ

Learn about asynchronous communication, asynchronous messaging, and implementing asynchronous messaging in the cloud.

The Advantage of CloudAMQP vs Installing your own RabbitMQ Server

Trying to figure out how to install your own RabbitMQ server? Let us help you with everything around your RabbitMQ server! Server download, install and config.

Difference between shared and dedicated plans

This article explains the difference between shared and dedicated plans in CloudAMQP. Find out which plan option will work best for you! Dedicated plans provides guaranteed isolation between instances. Shared instances are virtual hosts (vhosts) located on a shared server.

How to delete single or multiple queues in RabbitMQ

Frequently Asked RabbitMQ Question: How do we delete accidentally created queues in RabbitMQ? The most common ways are either you do it via the web based UI or via a script or a queue policy...

FAQ: How to delete all messages from a Queue

Frequently Asked RabbitMQ Question: How do we delete all messages in a queue? There are different options. The web based UI can be used or a script can be used. In this post you will learn how to delete RabbitMQ messages!

RabbitMQ delayed message exchange plugin with Node.JS

The RabbitMQ Delayed Message Plugin adds a new exchange type to RabbitMQ where messages routed by that exchange can be delayed if the user adds a delay header to a message. This is a guide for delayed messaging whit the help of the plugin and Node.JS