Most recent blog posts

RabbitMQ and AMQP - Dictionary A-Z

Navigate through the concepts of AMQP and RabbitMQ.

RPC with RabbitMQ Direct Reply-to

This article examines the ability of RabbitMQ to serve as a middle-man for a remote procedure call, using direct reply-to.

Exchange to exchange bindings in RabbitMQ

It is possible to add a binding between two exchanges in RabbitMQ. This article explains how and when to use the exchange to exchange binding.

RabbitMQ Use cases: Explaining message queues and when to use them

We as human beings have always sought ways to communicate, even when there have been distances in between us. The same need exists in the computer world - a method to send, receive, and create the message itself.

Enabling RabbitMQ Plugins and Discovering new Features

Enable RabbitMQ plugins and enhance your broker’s default capabilities. This article covers how to enable RabbitMQ plugins. It also reviews many popular add-ons and shows that the capability of a RabbitMQ broker can perform way past the default settings.

Microservices - why use RabbitMQ?

Today’s monolithic systems are being replaced at a rapid pace by microservice architecture. To understand why this is the case requires a closer look into the core of message queuing and the benefits of using RabbitMQ as a message broker in a microservice architecture.

How do I verify my version of RabbitMQ?

This article examines the process of checking your RabbitMQ version using the command line in both Windows and Ubuntu and via the management console.

Prometheus and Grafana with CloudAMQP

Let’s take a look at Prometheus and Grafana for RabbitMQ on a CloudAMQP instance.

Commitment to Security: Announcing SOC 2 Compliance

We are proud and happy to announce that we have received a SOC 2 Type 2 attestation report on January 24, 2020. The assessment by an external party and their report provides evidence of our dedication to provide our customers with a secure high-quality service.

RabbitMQ and Erlang upgrades

Keeping your RabbitMQ cluster updated with the latest RabbitMQ and Erland versions should be a high priority.