PWS (Pivotal Web Service) is closing its doors, but users will still be able to keep their CloudAMQP instances!
A client may accidentally or maliciously route messages using non-existent routing keys. To avoid complications from lost information, collecting unroutable messages in a RabbitMQ alternate exchange is an easy, safe backup.
This tutorial shows you how to connect to RabbitMQ in node.js. All code is present on Github.
This tutorial shows you how to connect to RabbitMQ in PHP. All code is present on Github.
This tutorial shows you how to connect to RabbitMQ in Ruby. All code is present on Github.
This tutorial shows you how to connect to RabbitMQ in Python. All code is present on Github.
CloudAMQP has made significant improvements to the configurable RabbitMQ alarms and addressed some popular user requests.
We'll soon launch new 1, 3 and 5 node plans. And a new smaller plan, designed for testing.
In this article, we help you gain access to a fully managed RabbitMQ instance through CloudAMQP that can scale with your needs, using AWS VPC and a firewall for security.
Keeping data private is important to us, which is why we encourage encrypted connections to CloudAMQP clusters. Now we are adding support for Amazon Web Services (AWS) PrivateLink to make it even easier.