On the market since 2016, Rever identifies and solves issues connected to workflow, mainly in manufacturing, and has grown steadily to now be available in 40 countries and 16 languages, engaging 100,000+ users. Rever’s users bring the application with them to the factory floor via phone, tablet or laptop, and all employees can report their observations on safety hazards, quality problems, maintenance issues and improvement ideas in real-time.

“Basically, what we do is help companies find permanent solutions to their problems, and we can do so thanks to our users reporting issues found while performing different work-related tasks,” Luis Elizondo, Chief Technology Officer at Rever, said.

Figure: Idea Management at the Frontline enables any user to discover, test, and implement new ideas.
Rever’s whole infrastructure is built with RabbitMQ as a base, handling hundreds of thousands of messages back and forth between 15 different microservices daily. Tasks that demand a reliable backbone that assures everything runs smoothly. “And it does! In fact, we have only had minor problems since we migrated to CloudAMQP.” Elizondo provided a brief outline of what RabbitMQ is handling behind the scenes of Rever: “Audit logs, notifications, searches, information about users, reports generated in the platform, all of the intelligent insights that live in a microservice. All of it runs through RabbitMQ.”

Figure: Operational Maintenance at the Frontline to identify and address machine abnormalities.
Can you give an example of when a message is sent though RabbitMQ?
“Our search engine lives in a different microservice. We need to send the request to the microservice in charge of the search mechanism, wait until the search is completed, and send the response back to our API so it can communicate with the client and send the results. That type of communication is happening all of the time.”
“There are also a lot of operations that we just trigger and we don't want to wait for a response. Let’s say there’s a new comment in the community, then we need to send push notifications or emails to multiple users simultaneously. We trigger a message and there’s a particular service in our architecture that is going to handle all of those notifications. The way we do it is again through RabbitMQ. We have a public API so essentially every request that comes from the client will go through the API and from there into the microservice. And back again through RabbitMQ.”
All in all, Elizondo is happy with CloudAMQP as a provider, saying
There will always be some problems, but so far it’s only been minor ones. Overall it has been very stable with you guys.