When you read CloudAMQP articles and webpages, you will often find us asking for your comments. We really do listen to what our customers want and need and take it very seriously, which is why we have a new payment option - prepayment. Many customers requested the ability to pay in advance, leaving a credit on their account for future services, and now they can!
Why prepay?
Many of our customers want the option to pay through an annual billing cycle to avoid lots of small transactions. When their annual support budget is approved, they want to move the amount off their books and not think about it again for a whole year. We allow prepayment for one month in advance up to several months ahead of time*, which is a huge convenience for some of our customers.
An example
A customer subscribing to our plan Big Bunny equalling $99/month can choose to make a prepayment of $1,188 ($99 x 12) and skip being charged and having to make a payment on a monthly basis for one whole year. The prepayment covers all the plans on the account, so even if the customer in the example adds another Big Bunny plan to the account on month five, then the prepayment will cover both plans for three more months. After that, the customer's prepayment will have been consumed and rebilling would occur.
The prepayment option is available to all customers. We will initially handle all requests separately and once the feature has been enabled by our team, customers will be able to easily choose the prepayment option in the payment menu.

Customers with a subscription plan that wish to change to prepayment can simply contact our customer service at contact@cloudamqp.com to enable the new payment option, or if they have any questions about the new prepayment plan options.