This article assumes that you have a running RabbitMQ server, so if not, you are welcome to get started with a free RabbitMQ plan at CloudAMQP. CloudAMQP.
The article cover:
- Installing Bunny with Rubygems
- Installing March Hare with Rubygems
- Installing Sneakers
- Creating queues and exchanges with each library
- Publishing to a queue in each library
- Consuming from queues in each library
- Creating workers in Sneakers
Bunny and March Hare are barebones libraries. Sneakers is a job processing library built on top of RabbitMQ that offers connection profiles and handles connection failures.
Installing RabbitMQ Clients in Ruby
Install your chosen client from the Rubygems package manager, a specialized repository where. Ruby stores libraries in gems.
Use the following command to install the Bunny library:
gem install bunny
To use March Hare as your client, run:
gem install marche_hare
March Hare only works in JRuby. Check your version of Ruby by running:
ruby --version
The result should be similar to:
jruby (2.5.7) 2020-07-01 db01a49ba6 OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 25.262-b10 on
1.8.0_262-b10 +jit [linux-x86_64]
You need to install JRuby if you have not already done so. Use the windows installer or, in Linux, run:
rvm install jruby
You can use sneakers as a work processor, publishing messages from either tool. Install sneakers by running:
gem install sneakers
Make sure that you have the most recent version of Ruby and Rubygems installed if you want to use the latest features. Each RabbitMQ client is in active development.
Publishing and Consuming messages with Bunny
The Bunny library gives you access to the AMQP protocol over Ruby. You have to consume and publish to queues from scratch. Create an exchange and queue as follows:
require “bunny”
conn = “amqps://user:password@host/your_vhost”
channel = conn.create_channel
exchange =“test_exchange”)
q = channel.queue(“test_queue”, :auto_delete => true).bind(exchange, :routing_key => “test_key”)
Publish to the newly created
exchange.publish(“Hello World!”, :routing_key => “test_key”)
You can now consume from the
require “bunny”
conn = “amqps://user:password@host/your_vhost”
channel = conn.create_channel
q = channel.queue("test_queue", :auto_delete => true)
q.subscribe(block: true) do |_delivery_info, _properties, body|
puts "[x] Consumed message: []"
rescue Interrupt => _
You can set the amqp URL in an environment variable to avoid publishing it with your code:
CLOUDAMQP_URL= “amqps://user:password@host/your_vhost
Then replace the URL in your scripts with:
require “bunny”
require “dotenv/load”
The library closely follows AMQP version 0.9.1. While the client works in JRuby, there is a known bug that might cause high CPU use.
Publishing and Consuming Messages with March Hare
JRuby allows you to use proprietary databases with JDBC drivers, supports unicode natively, makes use of just-in-time compiling, and is up to two times faster than standard Ruby. The Marche Hare library makes use of JRuby without overly high CPU use.
Create an exchange and queue and publish messages using March Hare as follows:
require "rubygems"
require "march_hare"
conn = MarchHare.connect(:host=> '', :vhost => "your_host", :user => "user", :password => "password")
ch = conn.create_channel
q = ch.queue("test_queue", :autodelete => true).bind("test_exchange", :routing_key => "test_key")
exchange ='test_exchange')
exchange.publish("Hello World!", :routing_key => "test_key")
Consume from the message from the queue you created:
require "rubygems"
require "march_hare"
conn = MarchHare.connect(:host=> '', :vhost => "your_vhost", :user => "user", :password => "password")
ch = conn.create_channel
q = ch.queue("test_queue")
consume = q.subscribe do |metadata, payload|
puts "Consumed message: #{payload}"
rescue Interrupt => _
March Hare works similarly to the bunny library with a few key differences. The connection function and response from a consumer differ.
Job Queueing with Sneakers
Many applications require complex task processing benefiting from the use of multiple machines and cores. Sneakers standardizes the work centered around the RabbitMQ publish-subscribe pattern while providing extensive metrics related to your workloads.
The client relies on a JSON configuration to set up and check the broker:
opts = {
:amqp => "amqp://user:password@",
:vhost => 'test_vhost',
:exchange => 'test_exchange',
:exchange_type => :direct
Sneakers creates the test_exchange and any related queues when it starts.
We can now work on messages by setting up a processor for each desired queue:
require 'sneakers'
require 'sneakers/runner'
class Processor
include Sneakers:Worker
from_queue :default_queue,
routing_key: 'test_key',
exchange :test_exchange
def work(msg)
puts 'Received #{msg}'
opts = {
:amqp => "amqp://dev:rtp*4500@",
:vhost => 'test_vhost',
:exchange => 'test_exchange',
:exchange_type => :direct
r =[Processor])
This example waits on messages from test_queue bound to the test_exchange using the test_key. The queues and exchanges are created if they do not exist.
Publish to the queue from bunny and wait for the Processor to receive the message:
require ‘bunny’
conn = “amqp://user:password@host/your_vhost”
ch = conn.create_channel
exchange =“test_exchange”)
ch.default_exchange.publish(“Hello World!”, :routing_key => “test_key”)
Sneakers does not offer a publisher. Publishing to RabbitMQ requires the use of another tool.
RabbitMQ Clients in Ruby
Using RabbitMQ in Ruby gives you access to a robust message queueing library. We saw how to use Bunny and Sneakers in cRuby and March Hare in JRuby. Replace the URLs in these examples with your CloudAMQP URL to connect to your fully managed cloud broker.