Complete our free RabbitMQ training course and get exclusive stickers!

Lets make the summer a fun opportunity to better up your RabbitMQ skills. Complete the RabbitMQ training course by August 31st and receive cute CloudAMQP plan stickers!
  • Deadline: August 31st
  • Reward: Exclusive CloudAMQP stickers
  • How: Complete the course and fill in this sheet

About the Course

  • Language: English
  • Estimated time: 4 hrs 1 min, 76 lectures

Course content

  • Building scalable apps with RabbitMQ
  • RabbitMQ and AMQP benefits
  • RabbitMQ installation and configuration
  • Ensuring app scalability and user reliability
  • Practical RabbitMQ use-cases and expert tips

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