Thanks to everyone who attended the event in one way or another. We had a great day and we hope that you enjoyed it as much as we did!

Stockholm picture by Tommie Hansen on Flicker licensed under Creative Commons 2.0.
The first presentation, by Johan Rhodin, introduced CloudAMQP, and RabbitMQ. The presentation explains why message queuing, RabbitMQ, and CloudAMQP is the way to go to build highly decoupled, reliable and scalable services.
The second presentation, by Lovisa Johansson and Anders Bälter, gave an updated on the best new and upcoming features in CloudAMQP such as seemless automatic scaling.
The third presentation, by Carl Hörberg, introduced the RabbitMQ plugins, how they work with CloudAMQP and more details about some of the most useful plugins.
The last presentation, by Michael Klishin (Staff Software Engineer II at Pivotal), was given over Skype. Michael presented on what's new in RabbitMQ 3.6, and what's coming in 3.7. Here's a recording of the audio.
Please email us at if you have any suggestions, questions or feedback.