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CloudAMQP invites 2019!

And so another year for CloudAMQP has passed. Let's take some time to recap another successful year and point out some of the components for making it so.

During 2018 we launched the RabbitMQ Diagnostic Tool, the next (simplified) generation of “investigating tools” for RabbitMQ clusters. The diagnostics tool have been proven helpful for both our customers, but also for our support engineers as they more efficiently have been able to check and identify customer setups and possible errors. It’s been a so-called WIN-WIN-situation!

We added som integrations based on popular demand, such as Google Cloud Stackdriver Logging Integration and AWS CloudWatch Logs Integration. We also added VictorOps and OpsGenie as alarm integrations. We’re constantly expanding by supporting more regions. This year we were extremely happy welcome, among others, the AWS Stockholm region!

This year we also launched a couple of important blog posts based on learnings from all the time spent with RabbitMQ and it’s users.

These blog posts have proven to be very helpful for developers in how to set a well working RabbitMQ cluster, regardless of business and its magnitude.

Among all this, CloudAMQP and 84codes hosted the RabbitMQ Summit in London. A one day, single tracked conference for RabbitMQ users all over the world. We are happy to see what strong and unified community we’re a part of. We’re now looking forward to RabbitMQ Summit 2019. Read the RabbitMQ Summit 2018 recap, where you can find all talks with included transcriptions and more.

So what's next for 2019?

First of all, the CloudAMQP team is expanding and this means that we in 2019 will, to a greater extent, offer technical support 24/7 since we’re adding staff in Asia! We will during 2019, among other things, improve our metrics and alarm systems. We will add more plans, where a cheaper dedicated plan is one of them. We will also continue spreading the word about RabbitMQ. This will be made by hosting another RabbitMQ Summit (stay tuned) and releasing a RabbitMQ learning tool.

And, as always, our many (and different) users requests are the very fuel in our improvements and changes-machine. If you have ideas, requests, questions don't hesitate to contact us at

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