Updating the version on your message broker is important for the safety and well being of your messaging service, and when a new version of a software is released it’s an opportunity to strengthen your system. However we also know that keeping up with all these updates is another point on a long list of to-do’s, and might not have the priority it deserves amongst other important tasks. Therefore we are happy to announce that CloudAMQP now has a way for you to automatically keep your servers up to date with the latest releases of LavinMQ.
We have built a solution that helps you keep your software up to date automatically and will ensure that as soon as a new version of the software is released, your server will be scheduled for maintenance and will be updated to the latest version some time during the next week.
Enable Automatic Updates under Maintenance Settings
As of now, this feature is available on all our LavinMQ plans and is planned to be released for all plans later this year. Interested in trying it out? You can find the feature under the maintenance tab in the CloudAMQP console for your LavinMQ instance.

Please email us at contact@cloudamqp.com if you have any suggestions, questions or feedback.