In this blog, we will see how https-based microservices introduce the need for load balancing and service discovery. In the end, we will see how a queue-based approach simplifies all these.
This blog will explore the challenges around tight-coupling in https-based microservices. In the end, we will see how a queue-based approach could help in mitigating these challenges.
We are happy to announce that RabbitMQ 3.12 is now available on CloudAMQP.
A new, full-featured, and more robust Azure Marketplace integration has been released.
Both AMQP and MQTT are messaging protocols. However, both protocols have their strengths and weaknesses, making it essential to understand their similarities, differences, and use cases. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of AMQP and MQTT.
The CloudAMQP team was present at the Python Conference held in Flerence, Italy on the 25/05/2023.
The CloudAMQP team presents to you the 2023 RabbitMQ Summit scheduled to hold in Berlin, Germany.
The recorded video of the LavinMQ webinar hosted by CloudAMQP is now available on YouTube
LavinMQ 1.0 results from years of development and testing and is now ready to become your new message broker.
What's the fuss about the new next-generation message broker, LavinMQ? Let's dive into it with a free LavinMQ webinar! Discover the what and the how, and ask your questions directly to the core team.