Most recent blog posts

AWS Ohio region US-East-2 supported!

Amazon Web Services announced yesterday that its new Ohio region of data centers were available for public use. We are today happy to announce that it's now available in CloudAMQP!

Why is application decoupling a good thing

Several smaller services reduces overall complexity. We will in this article list some of the goodies achieved with application decoupling.

RabbitMQ and WebSockets

Learn how to combine RabbitMQ and WebSockets to create realtime applications. In this post we'll look at how it works and what you can do with them...

Recap: CloudAMQP Summer Summit

Thanks to everyone who attended the event in one way or another. We had a great day and we hope that you enjoyed it as much as we did! Here you can see the presentations from the first CloudAMQP Summer Summit, in Stockholm.

Everything You Need to Know about Asynchronous Communication and RabbitMQ

Learn about asynchronous communication, asynchronous messaging, and implementing asynchronous messaging in the cloud.

Automated cluster scaling!

Power to the people! Now you can scale your cluster live with CloudAMQP. This new big feature will make your life easier! Requirements change, the cluster you created yesterday might not be suited to handle the reality of today...

The Advantage of CloudAMQP vs Installing your own RabbitMQ Server

Trying to figure out how to install your own RabbitMQ server? Let us help you with everything around your RabbitMQ server! Server download, install and config.

FAQ: How to close all connections in RabbitMQ?

Frequently Asked RabbitMQ Question: How do we close all connections in RabbitMQ? This article explains how to close a single or multiple connections in RabbitMQ.

Difference between shared and dedicated plans

This article explains the difference between shared and dedicated plans in CloudAMQP. Find out which plan option will work best for you! Dedicated plans provides guaranteed isolation between instances. Shared instances are virtual hosts (vhosts) located on a shared server.

Increased reliability of CloudAMQP shared plans

A new limit is added to increase the reliability of CloudAMQP's shared plans, the Little Lemur and Tough Tiger. Each IP is from now on limited to max 20 new connections per second.