RabbitMQ exposes metrics and healthchecks that answer all questions. Future RabbitMQ versions will make it easy to visualise and understand what happens under the hood. Join me to learn about the future of RabbitMQ observability.
After 10 years of heavy use of RabbitMQ in production, common problems, patterns, and solutions have emerged. In this talk we will cover architecture, configuration and operational management, monitoring, and maybe a disaster story or two.
In order to detect anomalies and prevent runtime issues that can compromise the delivery of business services that depend on RabbitMQ, effective monitoring, alerting and analytics tools can make a big difference. But are all of the available tools alike? Attend this session to...
How to connect your SpringBoot application to multiple RabbitMQ brokers? But why do you need multiple RabbitMQ brokers in the first place? We wrote this simple-to-use open source library to solve different use cases from brokers in different PAAS providers to dedicated brokers.
Almost every publish-subscribe technology embraces a model where messages appear on correspondingly distinct topics. Unfortunately this leads to loss in order of events across the topics. Alex will show how RabbitMQ offer a way to implement the equivalent of topics without...
AMQP includes a set of standards that control the entire messaging process in AMQP message brokers, like RabbitMQ. It allows two parties to communicate by sending and receiving messages between them. This article examines the basics of AMQP 0.9.1.
This article examines how clients, consumers, and brokers pass information over connections and channels in RabbitMQ.
Feature flags are new to RabbitMQ version 3.8. These flags define a RabbitMQ node’s ability to become a part of a cluster. Nodes using the subsystem must have the same dependencies. This article reviews the new system, how to set flags, and how they are used in upgrades.
Get familiar with how Celery spreads longer running tasks among many workers, using a message broker such as RabbitMQ.
We’re happy to let you know that we have enabled new Azure regions for CloudAMQP.