CloudAMQP introduces scheduled maintenance and ensures that customers always have the latest security updates regardless of their operating system and setup.
By popular demand, CloudAMQP announces AMQP websockets - a built-in feature making it possible to communicate with your RabbitMQ server or cluster directly from a web browser.
On July 13 and 14, the first online version of the RabbitMQ Summit will take place. This year, CloudAMQP will be present as a platinum sponsor and speaker.
For a while now, the RabbitMQ community has been requesting a feature to limit the maximum number of connections for a specific user to a specific vhost. With the release of RabbitMQ 3.8.10, this feature was made possible through collaboration between Erlang Solutions and...
This article examines the ability of RabbitMQ to serve as a middle-man for a remote procedure call, using direct reply-to.
The list of supported regions is growing. Read about our latest added regions available for CloudAMQP customers.
CloudAMQP are happy to announce that we’re now offering a native AWS Eventbridge integration.
This tutorial explores scenarios that require delayed messaging, the benefits of implementing a delay, and how to create a delayed exchange.
Small applications grow. They blossom into larger projects requiring maintenance, load-balancing, software upgrades, and hardware that spans data centers and even continents. The RabbitMQ federation plugin helps maintain a high availability and lower latency by spreading...
It is possible to add a binding between two exchanges in RabbitMQ. This article explains how and when to use the exchange to exchange binding.