Most recent blog posts

What’s new in RabbitMQ 3.10?

CloudAMQP is happy to announce that RabbitMQ version 3.10 is now available for our customers. In this blog post, we will go through the most significant changes and features.

Win Two Tickets to the RabbitMQ Summit in London

London in September is especially nice! Find out how you can win two tickets to the RabbitMQ Summit 2022 and join the RabbitMQ community for a one-day conference at Code Node!

RabbitMQ Summit 2022 - Hybrid Event

Amazing news! The RabbitMQ Summit is back, and this year it’s both digital and in person!

LavinMQ for beginners - Sample code for Python

This article will take you through code examples for LavinMQ with Python, steps to set up your own LavinMQ instance, and a relatable example of a working LavinMQ system to follow for yourself.

LavinMQ for beginners - Sample code for Node.js

This article will take you through code examples for LavinMQ with Node.js, steps to set up your own LavinMQ instance, and a relatable example of a working LavinMQ system to follow for yourself.

LavinMQ for beginners - Sample code for Ruby

This article will take you through code examples for LavinMQ with Ruby, steps to set up your own LavinMQ instance, and a relatable example of a working LavinMQ system to follow for yourself.

LavinMQ for beginners - Sample code

Sample code for Ruby, Python and Node.js. All the tutorials contain both basic and advanced information and step-by-step instructions.

Guide: LavinMQ for beginners. What is LavinMQ?

This article is the first in a series of LavinMQ and will take you through concepts of message queueing, steps to set up your own LavinMQ instance, and a relatable example of a working LavinMQ system to follow for yourself.

Moving From Classic Mirrored Queues to Quorum Queues

Released with RabbitMQ 3.8.0, quorum queues is the latest queue type ready to replace classic mirrored queues in the near future. In this article, we will explain why and how to make the move from classic mirrored queues to quorum queues in different ways.

Automated Email Service with RabbitMQ is a Gamechanger for Trustt

Trustt went from sending 1,800 emails per day to 70,000 by switching several of its processes from a synchronous system. Read on to learn how automating emails and avoiding bottlenecks was a gamechanger for Trustt.