Most recent blog posts

Automatic Version Updates for LavinMQ

Keep your messaging service safe and up-to-date with new automated version updates for LavinMQ

The LavinMQ webinar is now available on Youtube

The recorded video of the LavinMQ webinar hosted by CloudAMQP is now available on YouTube

CloudAMQP is excited to announce the release of LavinMQ 1.0!

LavinMQ 1.0 results from years of development and testing and is now ready to become your new message broker.

Webinar: LavinMQ is here, but why launch another message broker?

What's the fuss about the new next-generation message broker, LavinMQ? Let's dive into it with a free LavinMQ webinar! Discover the what and the how, and ask your questions directly to the core team.

LavinMQ performance testing: throughput and latency

This article covers performance testing on LavinMQ, enabling readers to conduct it themselves

ChatGPT on Slack: build a Slack bot with ChatGPT API, LavinMQ and Python

Picture ChatGPT joining your team's daily discussions on Slack - Think ChatOps. In this tutorial, we will build our own ChatGPT integration for Slack.

CloudAMQP - home of the new message broker LavinMQ

What’s new, fast, and open-source? The message broker LavinMQ, hosted by CloudAMQP! Get familiar with our latest product, and why not get a free instance to try it out?

Five Reasons To Consider LavinMQ When Choosing Message Broker

We're here to introduce you to LavinMQ, the new lightweight, resource efficient, easy-to-use message broker that is built to be faster and more approachable than existing options.

LavinMQ for beginners - Sample code for Python

This article will take you through code examples for LavinMQ with Python, steps to set up your own LavinMQ instance, and a relatable example of a working LavinMQ system to follow for yourself.

LavinMQ for beginners - Sample code for Node.js

This article will take you through code examples for LavinMQ with Node.js, steps to set up your own LavinMQ instance, and a relatable example of a working LavinMQ system to follow for yourself.